To know what my customers wants and needs are, I conducted a survey to get some resulst.
In this survey I decided to use both open and closed ended questions so that I can get a mixture of answers which would include some figures and opinions.
Here are the questions and my results;
This was my first question. I asked this so that I could find out what gender the majority of my target market was. It turned out that most of them were male, however there were a significant amount who were female too. This would help me in the design of my magazine, so that I could use colours and components that would cater to both genders.

This is my second question. I asked this also to help me figure out what my target market would be. From this question I found out that the majority of target market were within the ages of 17-20, and 21-25. This result would help me with the types of images I could put in the magazine, and the type of language in which the text would be written in. This result would also help me with the colour scheme that I would be using within the magazine, and the types of freebies/vouchers that I could give my customers with this magazine. It also in some ways helps with the pricing as most of these people would be students and therefore some unemployed, or they would have part time jobs, so I would need to make the price affordable for these types of people.

This is my third question, and the first open ended question that I used in this survey. I asked this question so that I could figure out exactly what type of person would be reading my magazine. All of the answers were worded and there was a variety of answers, however, the answers that were common in most is that they were students, enjoyed listening to music, dancing, some played instruments and had been to or used a music studio before. They like to go to concerts and gigs. This answer would help with the types of articles that I could write about such as upcoming events around town etc.
This is my fourth question and this is to find out how often my customers buy magazines. The answer would show me how often my target market buy their magazines, therefore telling me how often I should release and issue. From this question I found that most of my customers buy their magazines once every month. This is how often I will be releasing every issue of my magazine (monthly).
This is my fifth question and I asked this to find out where my customers would normally get their magazines from. The answer would show me what types of places I would need to distribute my magazine to, and how many copies I would need to print, or if I would need to make on-line versions. From this question I found that most of my customers get their magazines from shops, and some from subscriptions (which are then delivered to their homes). This would mean that I wouldn't have to make an on-line version of my magazine.
I asked this question so that I could find out which way was the most convenient for my customers to get/receive their magazines. I found that the majority of them would like to get their magazines from a store, and some would also like a subscription method. So, I would distribute my magazines in retail shops, and well as sending magazines to those who subscribed for them.
This is my seventh question which asks how much my customers would pay for a magazine. Considering its aimed at young people, it would have to be affordable for students and unemployed people. The results are that people would be willing to pay £3-£4, and some £2-£3. I will then try to create a suitable price using these results.
This is my seventh question which asks where my customers would normally find out about underground artists. The results were that he majority of them found artists from the internet on websites such as Youtube and SBTV, as well as on TV (music channels such as channel AKA) and concerts and gigs. These results would give me an idea on what type of articles would be suitable to feature in my magazine.

My last two questions were open ended questions which would result in many different opinions. From these questions I found that the customers would like a magazine to be bright and bold, but unique and true to the genre. They also said that if the magazine was dull and didn't have many interesting articles listed on the front, then it would maybe stop them from buying a magazine. A magazine that is overly priced or too cheap would also stop them from buying it, as if it were too cheap, it would suggest that the magazine isn't really good enough, and if it were too expensive, then it would suggest that its for a different target audience who earn money.
From this survey I learnt a lot which would help me in the design and production of my magazine, and well as the types of customers that would be buying and reading my magazine.